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About Me

Dr. Nat Lenzo, Nuclear Oncologist and Internal Medicine Physician; 
Founder and Managing Director Cyclowest.

About Me Clinical Professor Nat Lenzo

Dr. Nat Lenzo is an experienced medical professional with a diverse educational background and extensive experience in acute and general medicine, diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine and nuclear oncology. Nat is an adjunct Clinical Professor in Medicine at Curtin University and Notre Dame University Australia. He is a consultant nuclear physician and general physician at St John of God Hospital Murdoch. Nat is globally recognised for his leadership in molecular imaging, nuclear oncology and clinical trials, being involved in a number of first in human trials.

What I Do Areas of Interest

My areas on interenst include: 

Prostate Cancer
Clinical Trials
Thyroid Cancer
Molecular Imaging of Cancer and Dementia
Neuroendocrine Cancers
Multi-lingual interpreter services provided
Rare Cancers

My Professional Career About Me, My Professional Career

I was educated in medical science obtaining 1st class honours in physiology and then medicine at the University of Western Australia. After finishing basic and advanced training at Fremantle, Sir Charles Gairdner and Royal Perth Hospitals in the specialty areas of General Medicine and Nuclear Medicine, I then completed a fellowship in nuclear medicine at the University of Michigan. I am a great believer in life long education and have since obtained multiple master’s degrees in medicine, oncology, health service management and business administration. I am currently completing a music degree.

From 2001 to 2006, I was the head of the Western Australian PET/cyclotron service at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. I have also held head of department positions in Nuclear Medicine and Internal Medicine at both Royal Perth Hospital and Fremantle Hospital. From 2006-2010 I was the lead clinical consultant for the Siloam Hospitals Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Jakarta, Indonesia. I helped establish one of the first cyclotron and PET services in Indonesia at this centre. I helped establish the first PET-CT service in the private sector in Perth and the first PET-CT service in country WA (in Bunbury). Currently, I serve as an adjunct Clinical Professor in Medicine at Curtin University and Notre Dame University Australia, while practicing as a consultant physician at St John of God Hospital Murdoch.

In 2015, I founded Theranostics Australia, which is now a part of GenesisCare, where I worked as group clinical director, furthering nuclear oncology globally. In 2020 I founded Cyclowest, a cyclotron and  GMP radiopharmaceutical manufacturing company to help bring the latest diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals to Perth and the Asia-Pacific region.  I remain in the role of Founder, Board member and Managing Director at Cyclowest. 

I am also a Board Member of an Australian start up radiopharmaceutical company Glytherix and have advisory roles with other industry companies and government agencies such as Telix Pharmaceuticals, Novartis Australia, 3BP, ANSTO and the University of Queensland Centre for Advanced Imaging.

I have been fortunate enough to have been entrusted with a number of leadership roles in various medical institutions and have been able to contribute to significant advancements in molecular imaging and therapeutic research. I have been the PI in multiple clinical trials, hold a number of grants, and have co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications in my areas of interest in molecular imaging and targeted therapies.

I look forward to using my years of experience and knowledge in various areas of medicine to help my patients achieve the best outcomes possible. 

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