Nuclear Oncologist & General Internal Medicine Physician.

Located in Perth, WA. Dr. Nat Lenzo has over 25 years experience in general internal medicine and nuclear oncology.

About Me Clinical Professor Nat Lenzo

Dr. Nat Lenzo is an experienced medical professional with a diverse educational background with over 25 years experience in general internal medicine and nuclear oncology. Nat currently serves as an adjunct clinical professor in Medicine at both Curtin University and Notre Dame University Australia. He is a consultant physician at St John of God Hospital Murdoch. Dr. Nat is globally recognised for his leadership in nuclear oncology.

Contact Me My Affiliations

My affiliations include: 

  • Australian Medical Association

  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians

  • Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine

  • Clinical Oncology Society of Australia


  • Australiasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists

  • Leadership WA

  • Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

  • World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy

  • International Centres of Precision Oncology

My Location Where to Find Me

My current location is based out of the St John of God Wexford Medical Centre. My full address is:

Unit 75, Level 4
, Wexford Medical Centre, 3 Barry Marshall Parade
, Murdoch WA 6150.

Telehealth consultations offered to those who have difficulty attending rooms, outer metropolitan, country, interstate and overseas patients. 

Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia interpreter services provided. I am fluent in Italian.

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